Rocky McElhaney

About Rocky McElhaney

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So far Rocky McElhaney has created 337 blog entries.
Jun 12, 2015

TriStar Skyline Trauma Center Remains on Provisional Status Due to Multiple “Deficiencies”

By |Jun 12, 2015|Brain Injuries, News, Personal Injury|0 Comments

The TriStar Skyline Trauma Center was placed back on provisional status for another year by the Tennessee Board of Licensing Health Care Facilities, after inspectors published a report citing numerous failures by the staff. According to The Tennessean, Skyline fared poorly when it came to people with traumatic brain injuries, claiming that a number of [...]

May 26, 2015

Your Car Is Getting Safer, But It Can Still Hurt You

By |May 26, 2015|Auto Accidents, Distracted Driving, News, Safety, Truck Accidents|0 Comments

Everyone knows that car accidents can result in any number of short- and long-term injuries. Sudden deceleration can cause whiplash and herniated discs, rapidly deploying airbags can cause serious frictions burns, and even seatbelts can leave welts and bruises. However, not many people know that you can incur injuries from spending too much time in [...]

May 13, 2015

UTVs Can Be Dangerous to Inexperienced Drivers

By |May 13, 2015|Safety, Sports Related Injuries|0 Comments

Utility Terrain Vehicles look like souped-up golf carts, but they are capable of much, much more. These vehicles have significant power and flexible applications, and having one on a large property can be invaluable. Uses range from practical applications like towing and moving cargo to recreational activities like off-roading and joyriding. Polaris is the largest [...]

May 4, 2015

Graco Delayed Recalling Defective Child Seats

By |May 4, 2015|Auto Accidents, Products Liability, Safety, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has fined Graco Children’s Products $10 million for failing to recall defective children’s car seats in a timely manner. The affected seats had defective buckles that could prevent release in the event of an accident. The company will pay $3 million in fines while the remainder of the money [...]