Rocky McElhaney

About Rocky McElhaney

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So far Rocky McElhaney has created 337 blog entries.
Dec 8, 2014

Understanding the Catastrophic Injury: A Tutorial

By |Dec 8, 2014|Auto Accidents, Brain Injuries, Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury|0 Comments

Any time you’re involved in an accident or event that results in an injury, it’s serious business. Some injuries, however, are designated as catastrophic: the effects of the injury are so severe that they could affect your life in a long-term or permanent way. Truly catastrophic injuries are usually the result of a serious accident, [...]

Dec 1, 2014

Who Is Really Responsible for Your CrossFit Injuries?

By |Dec 1, 2014|Personal Injury, Safety, Sports Related Injuries|0 Comments

CrossFit is everywhere these days. The high-intensity and highly-addictive workout methodology has taken the country by storm, earning “converts” everywhere it goes. But CrossFit creates some dangerous situations for the people who follow the regimens, and could lead to long-term injuries. What exactly IS CrossFit? CrossFit is an exercise program that emphasizes core and strength [...]

Nov 25, 2014

Toyota Recalls 1.67 Million Cars with Faulty Brakes

By |Nov 25, 2014|Auto Accidents, Defective Products, Personal Injury, Safety|0 Comments

Toyota has issued a number of recalls over the past few years – more than six million in April alone, and another two million in June – and things don’t seem to be improving. The problem? Three separate brake defects which affect a number of their models, including: Corolla Auris Corolla Rumion Crown Crown Majesta [...]

Nov 10, 2014

Distracted Driving Leads to Four College Athlete Deaths

By |Nov 10, 2014|Auto Accidents, Distracted Driving, Personal Injury, Tractor Trailer Accidents, Truck Accidents|0 Comments

A tragic accident in Oklahoma this September led to the premature death of four college softball players when their van was hit by a tractor-trailer. The driver admitted to being distracted by something in his truck, which resulted in him crossing over the median and crashing into an oncoming lane of traffic. Rachel Hitt, a [...]

Nov 5, 2014

Birth Injuries Unrelated to Palsy and Dystocia

By |Nov 5, 2014|Birth Injury, Medical Negligence, Personal Injury|0 Comments

When people hear the words “birth injuries,” they usually assume the worst: permanent brain damage, paralysis or deformities. While each of these outcomes is heartbreaking, there are some birth injuries that are less conspicuous and yet still dangerous, and they happen in hospitals every day. We wanted to make you aware of some other types [...]