Rocky McElhaney

About Rocky McElhaney

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So far Rocky McElhaney has created 337 blog entries.
Oct 29, 2014

Personal Injury 101: How Do I Know if I Have a Case?

By |Oct 29, 2014|Auto Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Safety, Sports Related Injuries, Tractor Trailer Accidents, Truck Accidents|0 Comments

Personal injury lawsuits sometimes get a bad reputation because most people don’t really know what “counts” as a personal injury. After all, sometimes an accident really is just an accident. The defining element of a personal injury lawsuit is fault: whose actions (or inactions) resulted in your injury? And were those actions (or inactions) caused [...]

Oct 20, 2014

Personal Injury 101: Loss of Consortium as non-Economic Damages

By |Oct 20, 2014|Auto Accidents, Brain Injuries, Personal Injury, Uncategorized|0 Comments

It’s generally common knowledge that personal injury victims can sue for certain kinds of damages. Those damages fall into two main categories: economic damages, and non-economic damages. Economic damages relate to your expenses – medical bills, lost wages, car repair bills, funeral bills or future earning capacity are some examples – and in Tennessee, you [...]

Oct 14, 2014

Mourning the Loss of Local Knoxville Youth in Car Crash

By |Oct 14, 2014|Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, Safety, Uncategorized, Wrongful Death|0 Comments

Even though we call Nashville home, we have a soft spot in our hearts for Knoxville. (It was our first capital, after all.) We love the operas and the bluegrass, and we’ll root for our Volunteers no matter what city they play in. Knoxville has suffered a terrible loss; a young man named Andre Sterling [...]

Oct 6, 2014

The Spinal Cord: A Tutorial

By |Oct 6, 2014|Personal Injury|0 Comments

Every injury should be taken seriously, but spinal cord injuries can be catastrophic. Almost any type of trauma to the spine can have long-lasting and often permanent effects on your life. But unless you’re a medical professional or a personal injury attorney, there’s a good chance you don’t know much about the spinal cord, and [...]

Oct 3, 2014

Personal Injury 101: What is an Accident Reconstructionist?

By |Oct 3, 2014|Auto Accidents, Brain Injuries, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury, Tractor Trailer Accidents, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death|0 Comments

When a personal injury victim files a lawsuit for compensation, that person’s lawyer may use an accident reconstructionist to help build your case. Though they’re primarily used in cases involving motor vehicle crashes, an accident reconstructionist could help build a plaintiff’s case regardless of what kind of incident occurred. What a reconstructionist does It can [...]