Rocky McElhaney

About Rocky McElhaney

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So far Rocky McElhaney has created 337 blog entries.
Aug 25, 2014

Tennessee Is Experiencing a Larger than Normal Percentage of Tanker Explosions

By |Aug 25, 2014|Tractor Trailer Accidents, Truck Accidents|0 Comments

Tanker explosions are pretty rare (outside of action films, that is), but we’ve experienced two in less than a month. Because so many commercial trucks and tankers run through Tennessee on their way across the country, we’re no stranger to accidents – but explosions are a different animal altogether. Though we’re deeply saddened for the [...]

Aug 22, 2014

My Car Rolls Downhill While Parked: Thanks, Hyundai!

By |Aug 22, 2014|Auto Accidents, Defective Products, Personal Injury|0 Comments

Hyundai is recalling 883,000 late model Sonatas because of a problem with the transmission shifters. Let’s dissect this issue, shall we? First – that’s close to a million cars. Second – they’re late model cars, which means that this has been a problem for YEARS: since 2011, to be exact. Third – the problem relates [...]

Aug 22, 2014

Inflatable Sumo Suits May Be Causing Brain Damage

By |Aug 22, 2014|Brain Injuries, Personal Injury|0 Comments

Yes, you read that correctly: Inflatable. Sumo. Suits. Because nothing says “tolerance for another culture’s art” than blow-up fat suits. But that’s a thought for another day. What we’re looking at today is the growing number of lawsuits surrounding this product, which claim that participating in mock sumo wrestling while in the suits could lead [...]